Thanks To Moo
please meet Matte at the edge,
have fun, go together with love.
You are both such precious beings,
I love and miss you both!
Always, grace
The man who lives in the school bus along tank road said he remembered Matte and me. (We met last year, when he had a puppy who looked like the baby Moo.) He accepted a small bill and said "Yes," he'd put a bottle of water on the plants once a week or so. His favorite beer is Natural Light; I said is bring some cold ones next time I visit.... I'm SO sorry I sold my motorcycle, Matte would be happy I was riding guilt-free--I could go visit her grave on my bike!
Your sign he said, pulling up beside us at a red light, casting his eyes toward Mattie's side, back window. It has the text from the front of the nonviolence united vegan shirt:
For the PEOPLE
"I think it would be a much better world if more people would," he declared. I agreed.
Thank you, universe, for providing us some positive feedback!
Remember to tell somebody you care, if you do. You might be the only person who has the courage to say it aloud today. More importantly, ACT like you care. "Act"-as in "behave," not "pretend," -that you care!
If you care about ANYTHING, you have at least one really good reason to be vegan. Being vegan protects life. Feel free to write if cannot discern how being vegan relates to whatever "it" is about which you care.... It will be a pleasure & privilege to assist you in discerning the interconnectedness, if I can. :)
With her eyes wide open!
Reading some Roger Yates tonight, it was good to see the explanation of why people who care about animals ought to promote the vegan lifestyle instead of perpetuate the humane myth. The reason is simple, here are my words for it, my understanding of it.
In the dynamic of social movements, there is a triad: the movement, counter-movement and state. In this instance it is the vegan movement, those industries (& individuals) invested in exploiting animals- thereby maintaining the status quo- and the government. While only the first is itching to "change things," the other two will automatically and naturally take the "animal welfare" approach. Vegans, however, seek to >fundamentally< change the human-non-human relationship paradigm. If we advocate what we want, we will be met with the best the others parties can envision--it will be a far cry from what vegans want, anyway. So we undermine our own goals by beginning with an animal welfare agenda-, that is all the others could imagine, regardless of what we vocalized!
So for all the *nearly awake* people, we condone "use of animals" in the first place, by just wanting (or talking about) bigger cages for them. Or "enriching" the "environment" in which they are being exploited.... What difference does it make, if we "scream at" or "coo to" the animals to make them move, when, either way, we only want to get them to go to the killing floor?
Another example, from a recent conversation with a transitioning vegan, involves the language of the zoo. "Oh no!" I said, when he mentioned visiting some primates, "vegans don't go look at animals in cages, except maybe to find a non-human with whom to share their homes!" He gently corrected me, "They are 'enclosures,' not 'cages,' Grace." And it's taken me an entire week to think of Shakespeare: 'A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.'
"A cage by any other name would smell as foul." or
"A cage by another name feels even more oppressive." Why do we resist, so strongly, recognizing the truth that these beings have a right to live their own lives???
At the pet store yesterday, one of the cashiers-after securing my permission & verifying my companion had no allergies- was telling our little black furry friend "SIT," while holding an open bag of dog treats. She had said it a few times before I realized she was suffering a conundrum. (LMAO!) She didn't want to reinforce my dog standing there, ignoring her command, by delivering the treat. But she didn't want to yell at my dog, either--or know what to do, in general, I guess.
"Oh! We are vegans," I finally said, "she doesn't have to follow orders to get a treat; I just give them to her because she simply can't go get one for herself. Please share with her now."
What's REALLY going on?
Who do we think we are, demanding and commanding non-humans to fulfill our most petty desires? What kind of perspective concludes that just renaming an ugly scene will beautify the view for the one confined within--one who doesn't understand ANY of the words but only has the experience???
Please go vegan, for the animals, Earth, humankind; being vegan is simple, profound, vital. =)
Wondering how my dog is doing, where I am supposed to go in life. As Goethe wrote:
Boldness has genius, power, magic in it.
I'm seeking clarity from the universe as to how I may be if maximum service....
"All of this could have been avoided" from Eyes Wide Open....
I will not have another "pet" if I can avoid it.
This morning was so sad. She was in bed taking a "cat" bath but she needed a "real" bath in the tub. She was not happy: the tub has no traction tape. Sleeping/drying since before 7a.m. ;)