
The longer ihave the dog, the more aware i become to the inherent cruelty involved in our relationship. i want to go, she wants to stay. Sometimes i'd like to leave her at home, she doesn't want to be left alone. Often, she wants to go while something else requires me to stay.... ARGH! I know she would have been killed if she stayed with her mother's family; the little boy who had no guile answered "Take 'em to the river!" when i asked what they were going to do with those 13 puppies their dog had.... Two puppies were "tied out"on 3 foot chains, 7 feet apart, a week or so after i rescued Moo. The others were just gone....
Even though she probably doesn't know what her litter mates experienced, i wonder if she would really consider this life she has with me as a fate better than death. I mean, if *I* am frustrated by our arrangement-&ihave all the power!-how must SHE feel with our situation? Resigned? Grateful? Confused? Bored? Satisfied? Frustrated?