I don't ever recall parting the fur on my dog's tail before....
Tonight I got a call back from one of the veterinary care financial assistance organizations to which I was referred while trying to figure out how to pay for that expensive blood test. (She had two slightly elevated levels but nothing to stress out about, apparently.) So this Kathy who called at nine p.m. said we should talk at length, Sunday (?) but wrapped up the conversation admonishing me NOT to leave the dog behind at the office when it is time to die and stating flatly that "most people wait two to four months too long to euthanize and the animals were in pain today and yesterday and last week and the week before and for months they've been hurting." I was crying so hard, quietly as I could, which was pretty quietly, when she started in on 'your dog wants to eat meat' and whatever meat I'm having, to boil some separately, with no salt, pepper or spices and that would make her very happy.' There is basically NO way this woman had ANY idea that I am a vegan and that mostly Mattie is, too. ("Mostly," because medications and random treats are not-or likely are not-vegan; really I try to be rigorously honest about all matters.) And I didn't say anything to her about the lack of ethics involved with killing some animals, on behalf of other animals. I am not boiling meat anytime soon, but next chance we see a wild rabbit or loose cat, I will encourage Matte to chase it; if she catches and kills it and wants to eat it, I will stand guard for her....